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CCG wins acute reconfiguration court battle

Is Dorset A&E shake-up now free to go ahead   The High Court has dismissed a judicial review of plans to reconfigure services in...

Think-tank urges NHS to educate patients to reduce A&E pressure

Can teaching patients to manage their symptoms reduce emergency admissions   The NHS could reduce pressure on services by training patients...

Scottish NHS continues to miss key targets

Are efforts to transform care in Scotland working   The NHS in Scotland is continuing to perform poorly on A&E waiting times and delayed...

Patients in Northern Ireland waiting too long in A&E

Will drop in performance in Northern Ireland health service bring Westminster intervention   Almost a third of patients attending Northern...

Surgery waiting lists hit 10-year high

Are elective care waits still being affected by winter pressures   NHS waiting lists for elective treatment reached a 10-year high in April,...

Winter A&E demand surge led to doubling of acute provider deficits

Are trusts making plans to meet demand during 2018/19   NHS Improvement figures for 2017/18 showing trusts ran up deficits totalling £960m...

Cuts have left the NHS too poor to buy equipment

Has the squeezed NHS budget left hospitals with outdated equipment   Hospitals do not have enough money to buy and maintain vital medical...

Dying cancer patients suffering needlessly says report

Will more people be allowed to die at home as Macmillan wants Macmillan Cancer Research has warned that too many patients dying from cancer still...