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Funds in place for transformation, promises NHS England chief

What is the outlook for November's long-term plan   Part of the NHS's £205bn settlement will be ring-fenced for transformation, promises...

NHS Confederation lays out its plans

What should be in the new NHS plan   The NHS's long-term plan should focus on primary care, community services, social care and public...

Mixed score for NHS on international stage

Does the NHS provide worse care than health systems in comparable countries   Although the NHS saves patients from financial hardship it has...

Number of cancer diagnoses for older people set to rise, says report

Will older people get the cancer help they need   The number of people aged over 75 who will be diagnosed with cancer is set to increase by...

Cancer drugs given green light for use in the NHS in Scotland

Is access to new medicines improving in Scotland   Six new medicines have been accepted for use in the NHS in Scotland, including treatments...

Thousands of women not called for breast screening

What steps will be taken to prevent this happening again   Since 2009 about 45,000 women aged between 68 and 71 have not been sent...

£18m fund announced for brain tumour research

Will the extra funding speed up the availability of new treatments   Research teams can apply for grants of up to £10m over five years to...

GIRFT programme urges cardiothoracic surgery changes

Will recommendations on cardiothoracic surgery changes improve services A report from the getting it right first time (GIRFT) programme recommends...

One stop shops to open for cancer diagnosis

Will cancer diagnosis centres improve outcomes for cancer patients NHS England is to open centres in 10 areas of the country which aim to diagnose...

Money saved through using biosimilars

Will more savings continue to be made The NHS saved more than £170m in the first 10 months of this financial year by using cheaper biosimilar...

Clinical trials for cancer to receive more investment

How will the extra investment help Cancer Research UK is to make one of its largest investments to date, £45m, into its nationwide network of...

Dying cancer patients suffering needlessly says report

Will more people be allowed to die at home as Macmillan wants Macmillan Cancer Research has warned that too many patients dying from cancer still...

Cancer services improving, says report

Will all patients get the full benefit of improvements Cancer survival rates are the highest ever and patients are reporting that care is good, said...

Children’s obesity still a big problem, say doctors and charities

Would restrictions on advertising cut childhood obesity Public Health England (PHE) has said it will investigate why children are eating too many...