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Campaigners argue ICOs not permitted by Health and Social Care Act

What is the ICO campaigners' legal argument Campaigners have told a High Court judicial review that the NHS would be exceeding its legal powers if...

STP delays scheduled ICS status

Why might flagship STP delay ICS status A high-flying sustainability and transformation partnership (STP) has delayed plans to become a pioneer...

CCGs rack up £471m overspend to month nine

What will be the CCG financial position by the end of the year Clinical commissioning group overspends to month nine total £471m, according to the...

DHSC publishes mandate for 2018/19

What does the mandate for 2018/19 say The government has published the NHS mandate for 2018/19, detailing the latest finances for NHS England The...

King’s College Hospital Trust deficit tops £100m

How does King's deficit compare with forecasts London's King's College Hospital Trust is expected to end the 2017/18 financial year with a deficit...

Thanet CCG drops out of Kent-wide single strategic commissioner plan

Why has one CCG pulled out of plans to establish a single commissioner One clinical commissioning group (CCG) has pulled out of the Kent and Medway...

Trusts warn of possible £1bn deficit by end of 2017/18

How would a £931m deficit for NHS trusts impact the NHS NHS trusts forecast a deficit of £931m by the end of 2017/18, according to figures from...

Kent and Medway CCGs in joint leadership and possible merger talks

How is the leadership of CCGs in Kent and Medway set to change Eight clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in the Kent and Medway area are...

CCGs get £400m to tackle deficits in 2018/19

Will £400m be enough to combat budget deficit CCGs NHS England has announced a £400m commissioner sustainability fund (CSF) to support...