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Trusts complain that efficiency measures are unsustainable

What are providers' thoughts on long-term efficiency measures   Providers want changes to the NHS efficiency strategy to be included in the...

Lord Carter calls for standard ambulances to help procurement

Will Carter's report lead to investment in the ambulance fleet   Lord Carter has called for a standard model of ambulance to increase the...

Research reveals high numbers of operations cancelled on the day

What is causing one in seven non-urgent operations to be cancelled each day   A snapshot study was taken of 26,171 in-patient operations...

Think-tank urges NHS to educate patients to reduce A&E pressure

Can teaching patients to manage their symptoms reduce emergency admissions   The NHS could reduce pressure on services by training patients...

Category tower contract challenge dismissed

Can DHL win appeal for £730m NHS logistics contract   The high court has dismissed a challenge by a private company to an NHS logistics...

Teams named to create 10-year plan

Who are in the workstreams proposed by NHS England and NHS Improvement to create 10-year plan   NHS England and NHS Improvement are putting...

CQC looks to cut number of never events

How easy will it be to enforce universal rules   The Care Quality Commission has warned that clinical autonomy is being put above patient...

Hospital deaths from sepsis jump by more than a third

Will the number of deaths from sepsis continue to rise   According to data collected by Professor Sir Brian Jarman, director of the Dr...

MPs blast NHS England for contract ‘shambles’ with Capita

How is NHS performing when outsourcing services   MPs have described NHS England's outsourcing of primary care support services to Capita as...

Report reveals 1.5m unnecessary hospital emergency admissions

How can emergency admissions be reduced   A quarter of hospital emergency admissions could and should have been avoided and were a...

Carter review spells out ambitions for mental health and community health services

What is Lord Carter looking for in mental health and community health services   A review of mental health and community providers has...

Secretary of State Hunt reveals priorities for the upcoming 10-year plan

Will funding be available for the Secretary of State's healthcare plans   Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt has revealed his main...

King’s Fund finds UK has fewer healthcare resources than comparable healthcare systems

Could international comparisons force government to increase health spend   International comparisons of the UK's key health resources...

Aim for a digital-first NHS, says MP

How can the NHS take full advantage of the digital age   The NHS should shed paper, pagers and faxes, says a report   Tory MP...