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Patients in Northern Ireland waiting too long in A&E

Will drop in performance in Northern Ireland health service bring Westminster intervention   Almost a third of patients attending Northern...

Funding rules to change, promises NHS England boss

Are sustainability funding and payment by results on the way out   The next three years will see a 'wholesale shift' in funding rules, says...

May’s funding boost not enough to counter austerity years

Is the Prime Minister's financial settlement for the NHS enough to rectify a decade of austerity   NHS Providers has warned that the extra...

10-year plan to progress without NHS Assembly input

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A long-term plan to drive health...

NHS England proposes QOF and GP contract changes

What will be the outcome of the review into QOF   NHS England is asking for views on possible reforms to the GP contract and on a review of...

Funds in place for transformation, promises NHS England chief

What is the outlook for November's long-term plan   Part of the NHS's £205bn settlement will be ring-fenced for transformation, promises...

NAO examines obstacles to joined-up care

Is funding the greatest obstacle to health and social care integration   Obstacles preventing health and social care from working together...

NHS Confederation lays out its plans

What should be in the new NHS plan   The NHS's long-term plan should focus on primary care, community services, social care and public...

Scottish health boards forecast funding deficit for current financial year

Will Scottish Government be forced to bail out financially troubled NHS boards   Scottish health boards expect to overspend by £1315m by...

Vanguards have fallen short of expectations, says NAO

How have the new models of care fared National Audit Office (NAO) researchers say the vanguard programme has fallen short of its aims Some 50...

Tory MP slams ‘Brexit dividend’ NHS boost as ‘tosh’

Does a 'Brexit dividend' exist for the NHS Talk of a 'Brexit dividend' contributing to the boost in NHS funding promised by the government has been...

Scots health service could receive £2bn Treasury boost

How will the Scottish Government use the £2bn Barnett formula funding boost   Scottish finance secretary Derek Mackay has asked the UK...

Health service in Northern Ireland could be in line for £600 million budget boost

Will health services in Northern Ireland benefit from Brexit dividend   Northern Ireland’s health and care services could be in line for a...

MPs say legislation hinders integration drive

Is the Health and Social Care Act 2012 preventing the NHS integrating services   MPs say integration of health services and the...