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DHSC quizzed on generics cost hike

Will new calculation end generics overspending   Generic medicine costs shot up during 2017/18, due partly to inflated concessionary prices,...

Hunt says 10-year plan will cut waste and boost productivity

What are the major aims of the promised 10-year plan   Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told the NHS Confederation conference of his aims...

Review to reduce the 38 innovation funding pots

Can AHSNs push to improve innovation uptake   An innovation review could see changes to the responsibilities of academic health science...

Welsh Government wants less reliance on hospitals

How will such change be brought about   In its plan A Healthier Wales, the Welsh Government has called for more joined-up services in the...

General Practice in Northern Ireland gets £8.8m funding boost

Will additional resources ease pressure on general practice in Northern Ireland   GPs in Northern Ireland have broadly welcomed an...

Dillon warns of ‘startling costs’ of medical innovation

Will the costs of medical innovation impact NHS budgets   The boss of the drug watchdog has warned the NHS faces a challenge to fund new...

May’s NHS cash boost will require tax increase

Where will the money come from for the Prime Minister's NHS fund injection   Prime Minister Theresa May will have to break her own budget...

Winter A&E demand surge led to doubling of acute provider deficits

Are trusts making plans to meet demand during 2018/19   NHS Improvement figures for 2017/18 showing trusts ran up deficits totalling £960m...

NHS Assembly to co-design 10-year plan

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A paper discussed at a joint board...

£50m to tackle waiting times in Scotland as NHS fails to meet targets again

Is there enough money in Scotland's health system to meet performance targets   The Scottish Government has announced a £50m investment to...

Cuts have left the NHS too poor to buy equipment

Has the squeezed NHS budget left hospitals with outdated equipment   Hospitals do not have enough money to buy and maintain vital medical...

‘Closer to home’ policies have ‘fallen flat’, says NHS Providers

Can the drive for more and better community care be revived   The drive to treat more patients 'closer to home' as promoted in policy such...

IFS puts case for tax increases to maintain health services

Will government listen to case for tax increases to support NHS   Taxes must rise to pay for the increases in funding needed by the NHS to...

Report highlights poor financial management at Scottish health board

Will NHS Tayside financial troubles prompt wholesale reorganisation of Scottish health service   An independent review into the finances of...