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Map aims to help improve efficiency in NHS

Is enough being done across the NHS to improve efficiency A map that details ways to cut costs and eliminate waste has been updated in a...

Commissioners hit by rising generics costs

Why are generics costs rising and how will it affect commissioners Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are claiming generic drug prices have...

West Midlands CCGs begin merger process

Which West Midlands CCGs are going down the merger path Three more clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are working towards an effective merger...

Life science sector deal to protect NHS patients’ access to new treatments

What is happening to promote investment in life sciences in the UK A deal to place the UK at the forefront of innovative medical technologies could...

Health leaders slam Budget money as ‘less than needed’

Can the NHS manage on modest Budget cash boost Chancellor Phillip Hammond's first autumn Budget has promised the NHS is to get £28bn extra by...

2017: A year of Transition and Transformation for the NHS

Paul Midgley and Steve How, of Wilmington Healthcare, look back at some of the key developments in the NHS in the past year To plug an anticipated...

Health and care bodies plead for more money

What are health bodies doing to counter the crisis in the NHS Hundreds of organisations across healthcare have banded together to plead for extra...

CCG plan to offer treatment choice to eye patients angers pharma companies

How would CCGs' policy on wet age-related macular degeneration policy work Pharmaceutical manufacturers have threatened to take 12 clinical...

Row erupts after claim that better theatre utilisation could deliver an extra 280,000 operations

Could better theatre management boost throughput An NHS Improvement claim that existing staff and theatres could conduct an extra 280,000 operations...

Procurement tower contracts may go to existing providers

Which providers are most likely to win procurement tower contracts Up to six large 'procurement towers' contracts for procuring of everyday and high...

Cancer services improving, says report

Will all patients get the full benefit of improvements Cancer survival rates are the highest ever and patients are reporting that care is good, said...

Health and Social Care Board supports trusts in controversial cost-cutting measures in Northern Ireland

Will cost-cutting on prescribing harm patients in Northern Ireland The Health and Social Care Board has backed controversial proposals to help meet...

CQC says health and social care is mostly good but has uncertain future

How can services maintain and improve standards The quality of healthcare across the country is mostly good despite facing increasing pressures,...

Most NHS leaders ‘extremely concerned’ about coming winter

How do NHS leaders view the coming winter An NHS Confederation survey has revealed that more than 90% of 130 health and care leaders across England...