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Tory MP slams ‘Brexit dividend’ NHS boost as ‘tosh’

Does a 'Brexit dividend' exist for the NHS Talk of a 'Brexit dividend' contributing to the boost in NHS funding promised by the government has been...

NHS England to get 3.4% funding rise

What difference will the funding make to healthcare   The Government has agreed to increase NHS England's budget by an average of 34% over...

New money and legislation to boost NHS England’s health reform plans

How is the Government planning to enable the next round of health reform   NHS England led by chief executive Simon Stevens is to draw up a...

Surgery waiting lists hit 10-year high

Are elective care waits still being affected by winter pressures   NHS waiting lists for elective treatment reached a 10-year high in April,...

King’s Fund calls for action on mental health staffing problems

What are the prospects for effective action on mental health workforce problems   The mental healthcare workforce must be a priority in...

Scots health service could receive £2bn Treasury boost

How will the Scottish Government use the £2bn Barnett formula funding boost   Scottish finance secretary Derek Mackay has asked the UK...

Hunt says 10-year plan will cut waste and boost productivity

What are the major aims of the promised 10-year plan   Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told the NHS Confederation conference of his aims...

Review to reduce the 38 innovation funding pots

Can AHSNs push to improve innovation uptake   An innovation review could see changes to the responsibilities of academic health science...

PM to give NHS a ‘significant’ cash boost

Will PM Theresa May's funding boost be enough to maintain standards of care   Prime Minister Theresa May is planning a 'significant' cash...

May’s NHS cash boost will require tax increase

Where will the money come from for the Prime Minister's NHS fund injection   Prime Minister Theresa May will have to break her own budget...

IFS puts case for tax increases to maintain health services

Will government listen to case for tax increases to support NHS   Taxes must rise to pay for the increases in funding needed by the NHS to...

Petition calls for long-term funding plan

Will the government act on a petition to re-think long-term health and care funding   The NHS Confederation has written a petition asking...

Secretary of State Hunt reveals priorities for the upcoming 10-year plan

Will funding be available for the Secretary of State's healthcare plans   Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt has revealed his main...

Latest SMC recommendations include four rapid PACE approvals

What do the latest SMC recommendations reveal about market access in Scotland   Five new drugs have been recommended by the Scottish...