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Think-tank urges NHS to educate patients to reduce A&E pressure

Can teaching patients to manage their symptoms reduce emergency admissions   The NHS could reduce pressure on services by training patients...

NHS England to get 3.4% funding rise

What difference will the funding make to healthcare   The Government has agreed to increase NHS England's budget by an average of 34% over...

May’s NHS cash boost will require tax increase

Where will the money come from for the Prime Minister's NHS fund injection   Prime Minister Theresa May will have to break her own budget...

Cuts have left the NHS too poor to buy equipment

Has the squeezed NHS budget left hospitals with outdated equipment   Hospitals do not have enough money to buy and maintain vital medical...

Petition calls for long-term funding plan

Will the government act on a petition to re-think long-term health and care funding   The NHS Confederation has written a petition asking...

Social care reform urgently needed, says report

How can reform be achieved   The Health Foundation and the King's Fund have set out in a report their concerns about lack of progress on...

Health bodies press government on future NHS budget

How much money will the NHS need over the next 10-15 years The NHS Confederation is leading a study into how much money the NHS needs for the next...

Health leaders slam Budget money as ‘less than needed’

Can the NHS manage on modest Budget cash boost Chancellor Phillip Hammond's first autumn Budget has promised the NHS is to get £28bn extra by...