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[Video] Primary Care Networks at a glance

Watch our short video which explains the formation and role of PCNs within integrated care Looking to engage with these new NHS...

Primary Care Networks


What is changing in mental health and dementia care?

Paul Midgley, of Wilmington Healthcare, takes a look at the NHS Long-term Plan’s bid to transform mental health and dementia services Although...

Thank you for participating in our survey.

We really appreciate the time you have taken to give us your feedback Further information to help you better understand the NHS Our expertise...

How is the NHS Long-term Plan being put into action?

Steve How, Paul Midgley and Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore some of the changes that have occurred since the plan was published The...

[Download] Mid-year review of the NHS 2019

Wilmington Healthcare’s Mid-year review of the NHS 2019 explains the past 6 months of healthcare developments and examines the impact these are...

[On-demand webinar] How does the CVD prevention agenda sit within the NHS Long-term plan? Part 1

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the cause of a quarter of all UK deaths and largest cause of premature...

How can the NHS deliver patient-centric care?

‘Patient centricity’, the process of designing a service or solution around a patient’s wants, needs and preferences, is a key aspiration for...

Join the conversation: What are Primary Care Networks?

A key element of the Long-term Plan is the introduction of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) Consisting of between 30,000 and 50,000 patients PCNs are the...

A new vision for tackling key illnesses

Steve How and Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore the NHS Long-term Plan’s strategy for delivering more preventative, joined-up services...

Spotlight on innovation at life sciences forum

‘The HSJ Life Sciences Forum: Innovating to deliver improved patient services and outcomes’, will bring the NHS and industry together in London...

Join the conversation: a snapshot guide to AHSNs

In this whistle-stop guide to the new 5-year mandate, learn how Academic Health Science Networks are funded and what this means for you in terms of...

GPs will play a pivotal role in integrated care

The new five-year framework for GP contract reform, which took effect from April, puts GPs at the heart of delivering more holistic, joined-up...

Join the conversation: Respiratory care in the Long-term Plan

Respiratory care hasn’t had a lot of focus for some time now and was largely absent in the Five Year Forward View So its place in the Long-term...