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[Download] NHS Autumn Review 2019

Wilmington Healthcare’s Autumn review of the NHS 2019 explores the past few months of healthcare developments, as well as the potential outcomes of...

[Article] Why diagnostics is the next big challenge for NHS cancer services

The coming decade will see a new wave of advanced biotech capable of assisting enormous strides forward in cancer care, with potential for safer,...

The X factor: the early impact of NHSX

Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explores the impact of NHSX, the NHS’s new joint organisation for digital, data and technology NHSX...

[Download] The Times supplement – Combating Cancer

Through leading analysis and commentary, The Times Combating Cancer supplement showcases current trends in oncology, as well as offering insights...

Thank you for participating in our survey.

We really appreciate the time you have taken to give us your feedback Further information to help you better understand the NHS Our expertise...

Join the conversation: What are Primary Care Networks?

A key element of the Long-term Plan is the introduction of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) Consisting of between 30,000 and 50,000 patients PCNs are the...

Big changes ahead for NHS hospital services

Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explores the NHS’s bid to split urgent and planned care into separate sites and redesign specialist...

The Times Medical Technology Special Report

Wilmington Healthcare feature in The Times Medical Technology Special Report Did you see our article in The Times last week We featured in...

NHS patient data sharing milestone

Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explores the implications of a new deal to create the country’s largest regional patient record ...

How will category towers tackle NHS procurement challenges?

Steve How and Oli Hudson, of the Wilmington Healthcare Consulting Team, explore how the procurement towers plan to reduce unwarranted variation in...

[On-demand webinar] How should MedTech engage with the procurement towers?

The NHS’s 11 new procurement category towers are tasked with delivering significant cost and efficiency savings – and understanding how to engage...

MHRA suffers sharp fall in EMA contracts during Brexit negotiations

What is preventing the MHRA from receiving more EMA contracts European Medicines Agency (EMA) officials have awarded just two contracts to the UK...

Category tower contract challenge dismissed

Can DHL win appeal for £730m NHS logistics contract   The high court has dismissed a challenge by a private company to an NHS logistics...

Tariff money to fund new procurement model

Will tariff change benefit trusts' procurement practices   NHS providers are to have more than half a billion pounds withheld from them...