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[On-demand Webinar] How does the CVD prevention agenda sit within the NHS Long-term plan? Part 2

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the cause of a quarter of all UK deaths and largest cause of premature...

[Webinar] How does the CVD prevention agenda sit within the NHS Long-term plan?

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the cause of a quarter of all UK deaths and largest cause of premature...

[On-demand webinar] How does the CVD prevention agenda sit within the NHS Long-term plan? Part 1

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the cause of a quarter of all UK deaths and largest cause of premature...

GPs will play a pivotal role in integrated care

The new five-year framework for GP contract reform, which took effect from April, puts GPs at the heart of delivering more holistic, joined-up...

NHS Improvement sets out payment system proposals

What changes are likely for the national payment system   NHS England and NHS Improvement have set out proposed changes to the national...

More needs to be done for children’s mental health says NAO

Will report make any difference   Although the government has made a start in bringing children's and young people's mental health services...

Health bosses plan to eliminate 2018/19 deficit

Will NHS England and NHS Improvement plans help to eliminate the 2018/19 deficit work   NHS England and NHS Improvement are planning to...

Government names Prior to chair NHS England

Will Lord Prior be the right chair for NHS England   The government has named Lord David Prior as its preferred candidate to chair NHS...

Children with cancer to get ‘ground breaking’ personalised therapy

Will there be more individual treatment programmes   NHS England is to make what it calls a 'ground breaking' cancer treatment for children...

More mental health therapists to be based in GP surgeries

Will there be enough mental health therapists and will stationing them in GP practices make a difference to health outcomes   NHS England is...

NHS England publishes procurement notices worth £28bn

Will advance notice improve transparency in the health service   NHS England has published procurement notices in specialised services for...

No deal Brexit could be real risk to services says NHS Providers

Will email get trusts more guidance   In a leaked email to NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens, NHS Providers says a no deal Brexit...

NHS Improvement to scrap regulation department

Will regional directors make a difference to healthcare   As part of a new focus on supporting and improving trusts, NHS improvement will...

Hospital deaths from sepsis jump by more than a third

Will the number of deaths from sepsis continue to rise   According to data collected by Professor Sir Brian Jarman, director of the Dr...