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Hancock to provide extra £240m for social care

How much difference will £240m make for cash-strapped social care   Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has announced an extra...

NHS launches dashboard for patients at risk of sepsis

Will sepsis tool lead to fewer cases   The NHS has launched a tool that aims to keep track of the number of emergency admission patients who...

Health Secretary announces expansion of genomics programme

Where will the funding for the genome project expansion come from   In a speech to the Conservative party conference in Birmingham, Health...

CQC looks to cut number of never events

How easy will it be to enforce universal rules   The Care Quality Commission has warned that clinical autonomy is being put above patient...

NHS to get extra funding for technology

How will NHS get on with embracing new technology   New Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has announced £487m will go towards...

Think-tank detects worrying level of senior vacancies in NHS

How can shortage of NHS executives be addressed   A 'near-toxic mix of pressures' and 'a culture of blaming individual leaders for failures...

NAO examines obstacles to joined-up care

Is funding the greatest obstacle to health and social care integration   Obstacles preventing health and social care from working together...

Thousands of women not called for breast screening

What steps will be taken to prevent this happening again   Since 2009 about 45,000 women aged between 68 and 71 have not been sent...

Safety in private hospitals cause for concern

Will the sector get its house in order   Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has written to private hospital chief executives accusing them of...

How will new data protection law affect pharma?

Sarah Eglington, of Wilmington Healthcare, explores how GDPR will change pharma’s relationship with healthcare professionals A new European law,...

One stop shops to open for cancer diagnosis

Will cancer diagnosis centres improve outcomes for cancer patients NHS England is to open centres in 10 areas of the country which aim to diagnose...

Summer will not relieve winter pressure, say health leaders

Why are leaders pessimistic about the healthcare crisis Two groups of healthcare leaders have warned that the pressures under which the NHS is...

How can pharma engage with key decision-makers in new, collaborative NHS care models?

Paul Midgley, Sue Thomas, Steve How and Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore how pharma should adapt its approach Since the publication of...

Headache and migraine disease insight report
