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NHS saves millions of pounds through NMS

Will extension of new medicine service create greater savings in the long term The new medicine service could lead to more than half a billion...

Audit shows mortality rate drop for heart failure patents

What is the improvement in the mortality rate for heart failure patients admitted to hospital The national heart failure audit says the mortality...

More people going to hospital in Northern Ireland as bed numbers decrease

Is health service in Northern Ireland at breaking point Numbers of people admitted to hospital in Northern Ireland are increasing as bed numbers...

NHS chiefs accused of secretiveness over planned £500m CEP cuts

BMA officials have accused senior health service managers in England of refusing to release details of large cuts under the capped expenditure...

Millions of people could be on statins if NICE guidelines followed, says research

Do NICE guidelines make appropriate recommendations for prescribing statins A study by a Harvard University researcher has found that almost all men...

£1.3bn investment plan to boost mental healthcare

Can trusts fill 21,000 new mental health posts A new mental health plan promises to treat an extra 1m patients by 2020/21 and comes with £13bn...

CMA approves Manchester trusts’ merger

Will foundation trusts’ merger in Manchester improve services The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded that a merger between two...

GP forward plan failing to recruit, says royal college

Will plan meet 2020 target of extra 5,000 GPs NHS England's plan for GPs is not working fast enough to recruit 5,000 more full-time equivalent GPs...

NHS England releases baseline performance ratings for STPs

Which STPs are under the most pressure to improve performance NHS England operations and information national director Matthew Swindells has...

Plan to end wasteful prescribing could save £190m a year

Which treatments will prescribing ban hit A plan to reduce the number of prescriptions for ineffective, over-priced or low-value treatments could...

Government announces medical innovation funding

Will funding improve the speed of access to new medicines and bring more innovation into the NHS The government has announced £86m funding to boost...

Hunt reveals draft STP capital funding

Which STPs have been selected to receive capital funding announced in the 2017 spring Budget Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has revealed which...

DH GIRFT initiative to focus on trusts with high litigation costs

How much could the NHS save by getting it right first time The Department of Health getting it right first time (GIRFT) programme has announced an...

Regulator to tighten up on use of restraint in mental health

Why is the CQC cracking down on restraint use in mental health care Care Quality Commission regulators have revealed plans to strengthen assessment...