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Diabetes UK report slams inpatient safety

What's wrong with the patient safety for diabetes patients   Diabetes UK has called on providers and commissioners to improve the safety of...

Half of eligible 40-74 year olds still missing NHS health check, says Diabetes UK

What is the reason for the large regional and local variation in health check take-up rates   An analysis of local government figures has...

Waiting times performance continues to worsen in Scotland

Do poor waiting times figures indicate major problems in the NHS in Scotland   Numbers of patients in Scotland waiting longer than a...

Teams named to create 10-year plan

Who are in the workstreams proposed by NHS England and NHS Improvement to create 10-year plan   NHS England and NHS Improvement are putting...

Scottish NHS continues to miss key targets

Are efforts to transform care in Scotland working   The NHS in Scotland is continuing to perform poorly on A&E waiting times and delayed...

MPs blast NHS England for contract ‘shambles’ with Capita

How is NHS performing when outsourcing services   MPs have described NHS England's outsourcing of primary care support services to Capita as...

Patients in Northern Ireland waiting too long in A&E

Will drop in performance in Northern Ireland health service bring Westminster intervention   Almost a third of patients attending Northern...

Surgery waiting lists hit 10-year high

Are elective care waits still being affected by winter pressures   NHS waiting lists for elective treatment reached a 10-year high in April,...

£50m to tackle waiting times in Scotland as NHS fails to meet targets again

Is there enough money in Scotland's health system to meet performance targets   The Scottish Government has announced a £50m investment to...

King’s Fund finds UK has fewer healthcare resources than comparable healthcare systems

Could international comparisons force government to increase health spend   International comparisons of the UK's key health resources...