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Drugs for leukaemia and cancer accepted for use in Scotland

Has greater patient involvement improved access to new medicines in Scotland   Patients in Scotland are to get access to new drugs for...

Scottish NHS misses cancer waiting times again

Does failure to meet key targets indicate unacceptable pressure on cancer services in Scotland The Scottish Health Secretary Jeanne Freeman has said...

Scots under-75s to miss out on enhanced flu vaccination

Does flu vaccine shortage indicate problems with NHS Scotland's procurement system The Scottish Government has admitted that it has not been able to...

Atlas of Variation for Scottish health service takes step forward

Does variation in surgery in Scotland amount to a postcode lottery   Plans to create a substantial atlas of variation for health services in...

Scotland’s programme for government outlines development plans for pharmacists

Will Scottish Government's programme for government improve care   Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced plans to develop...

Waiting times performance continues to worsen in Scotland

Do poor waiting times figures indicate major problems in the NHS in Scotland   Numbers of patients in Scotland waiting longer than a...

Analysis shows causes of early death and ill health in Scotland

Would a greater focus on tackling inequalities lead to a healthier Scotland   The main causes of early death and disability in Scotland vary...

NHS Scotland plans to ensure medicine supply after Brexit

Would no-deal Brexit harm medicine supply in Scottish NHS   Scotland's chief medical officer Catherine Calderwood has revealed that the NHS...

SMC gives green light to ovarian cancer medicine

Is access to new medicines improving in Scotland   A drug for advanced ovarian cancer and three other medicines have been accepted for use...

Scottish NHS continues to miss key targets

Are efforts to transform care in Scotland working   The NHS in Scotland is continuing to perform poorly on A&E waiting times and delayed...

Proposals to boost role of community pharmacists in Scotland

Would Scottish Conservatives' pharmacy plan improve patient care   The Scottish Conservatives, the largest opposition party in the Scottish...

Cost of prescriptions in Scotland rose 25% in a decade

What is driving rising prescription costs in Scotland   Prescription costs in Scotland have risen to £13bn, up 33% on 2016/17 and up 257%...

Health boards in Scotland told to take realistic medicine approach to polypharmacy

Will guidance on polypharmacy improve prescribing in Scotland   NHS boards in Scotland have been told to take more action to avoid...

Scottish boys to get HPV vaccine

Will England follow Scotland with HPV vaccine for boys   Adolescent boys in Scotland are to be offered vaccination against HPV (human...