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Scotland’s programme for government outlines development plans for pharmacists

Will Scottish Government's programme for government improve care   Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced plans to develop...

Waiting times performance continues to worsen in Scotland

Do poor waiting times figures indicate major problems in the NHS in Scotland   Numbers of patients in Scotland waiting longer than a...

Waiting times continue to lengthen in Northern Ireland

Is a lack of devolved government in Northern Ireland harming the health service   Patients in Northern Ireland are having to wait longer for...

Regulator finds NHS scan delays may be affecting patient care

How will NHS trusts address wide variations in timings   According to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the wide variations in the time...

Patients in Northern Ireland waiting too long in A&E

Will drop in performance in Northern Ireland health service bring Westminster intervention   Almost a third of patients attending Northern...

Analysts issue winter warning on performance stats

What story do the summer's performance figures tell   There is no let-up in the demand for treatment, say analysts of this month's NHS...

Surgery waiting lists hit 10-year high

Are elective care waits still being affected by winter pressures   NHS waiting lists for elective treatment reached a 10-year high in April,...

£50m to tackle waiting times in Scotland as NHS fails to meet targets again

Is there enough money in Scotland's health system to meet performance targets   The Scottish Government has announced a £50m investment to...

Secretary of State Hunt reveals priorities for the upcoming 10-year plan

Will funding be available for the Secretary of State's healthcare plans   Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt has revealed his main...

Summer will not relieve winter pressure, say health leaders

Why are leaders pessimistic about the healthcare crisis Two groups of healthcare leaders have warned that the pressures under which the NHS is...