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GP practices serving 2.5m may close in five years, warns GP royal college

Are hundreds of GP practices about to close   Family practices serving 25m patients in the UK may close in the next five years as GPs leave...

Hospital deaths from sepsis jump by more than a third

Will the number of deaths from sepsis continue to rise   According to data collected by Professor Sir Brian Jarman, director of the Dr...

Think-tank detects worrying level of senior vacancies in NHS

How can shortage of NHS executives be addressed   A 'near-toxic mix of pressures' and 'a culture of blaming individual leaders for failures...

King’s Fund calls for action on mental health staffing problems

What are the prospects for effective action on mental health workforce problems   The mental healthcare workforce must be a priority in...

Scottish health boards will be forced to have safe staffing levels under proposed new law

Is safe staffing legislation in Scotland a blunt tool   Scottish health boards will be compelled to provide staffing levels that meet legal...

NHS Improvement issues staff retention toolkit

Will NHS Improvement resources help keep staff working   NHS Improvement has published a toolkit aimed at helping healthcare organisations...

Chancellor hints at more money for health service

Will the Chancellor follow through on his hint of financial boost for NHS Chancellor Philip Hammond has offered conditional promise of more money...