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Covid-19: what could it mean for the diabetic population?

Steve How and Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, assess the scale of the diabetes crisis and how coronavirus might impact on it On March 28,...

A new vision for tackling key illnesses

Steve How and Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore the NHS Long-term Plan’s strategy for delivering more preventative, joined-up services...

Diabetes UK report slams inpatient safety

What's wrong with the patient safety for diabetes patients   Diabetes UK has called on providers and commissioners to improve the safety of...

Half of eligible 40-74 year olds still missing NHS health check, says Diabetes UK

What is the reason for the large regional and local variation in health check take-up rates   An analysis of local government figures has...

More heart attacks and strokes predicted due to diabetes

Will enough be done to stop the rapid increase in cases of diabetes   The British Heart Foundation has predicted the number of people...

Experts claim there is inequality in childhood diabetes care

What next for child diabetes   Inequalities in diabetes care mean that young patients are not getting access to technologies and health...

Regional Diabetes Mellitus Network – East of England

The Regional Diabetes Mellitus Network – East of England meeting, is taking place on Wednesday 26th September Click here to register This...

Regional Diabetes Mellitus Network – West Midlands

The Regional Diabetes Mellitus Network – West Midlands meeting, is taking place on Tuesday 11th September Click here to register This...

Mixed score for NHS on international stage

Does the NHS provide worse care than health systems in comparable countries   Although the NHS saves patients from financial hardship it has...

South West Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network

Further to the continued success of the inaugural Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network series in 2017, we are delighted to...

North West Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network

Further to the continued success of the inaugural Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network series in 2017, we are delighted to...

South East Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network

Further to the continued success of the inaugural Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network series in 2017, we are delighted to...

East of England Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network

Further to the continued success of the inaugural Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network series in 2017, we are delighted to...

West Midlands Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network

Further to the continued success of the inaugural Diabetes Mellitus Transformation and Sustainability Network series in 2017, we are delighted to...