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[Webinar] Where is the NHS heading in 2020 and what does it mean for pharma?

2020 presents a new government and new promises for the NHS What will this mean for pharma Date: Wednesday 15th January  Time: 1200 -...

Virgin Care hands commissioning responsibilities back to East Staffordshire CCG

What will be the next step for East Staffordshire CCG commissioners   Virgin Care has terminated the commissioning elements of its £270m...

GPs warn on funding for clinical pharmacists in general practice scheme

Will GPs pay for the clinical pharmacists in general practice scheme when its funding ends   A review of the General practice forward view...

GP leaders call for extra £2.5bn a year to bolster primary care

Does general practice need extra funds to strengthen primary care service   General practice needs a cash injection of £25bn a year by...

Funding rules to change, promises NHS England boss

Are sustainability funding and payment by results on the way out   The next three years will see a 'wholesale shift' in funding rules, says...

MPs call for major overhaul of LTC care in community pharmacy contract negotiations

What changes do MPs want to see in a new community pharmacy contract   MPs of the All Party Pharmacy Group (APPG) have called for an urgent...

Welsh Government invests in Cardiff renal services

How much has the Welsh Government invested in Cardiff renal dialysis services   Renal dialysis services at the University Hospital for...

May’s funding boost not enough to counter austerity years

Is the Prime Minister's financial settlement for the NHS enough to rectify a decade of austerity   NHS Providers has warned that the extra...

10-year plan to progress without NHS Assembly input

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A long-term plan to drive health...

NHS England approves funding for 14 new treatments

Which new interventions are now available on the NHS   NHS England has approved the funding of 14 interventions, including surgeries to...

DHSC provides extra cash for NHS research and development

What difference will R&D cash make to health outcomes   The Department of Health and Social Care is to give £215m towards helping...

NHS England proposes QOF and GP contract changes

What will be the outcome of the review into QOF   NHS England is asking for views on possible reforms to the GP contract and on a review of...

Evidence-based interventions programme consults on tight new guidance for 17 treatments

What treatments are likely to be next for EBIP scrutiny   NHS England officials have presented board members with proposals to strictly...

NAO examines obstacles to joined-up care

Is funding the greatest obstacle to health and social care integration   Obstacles preventing health and social care from working together...