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Pharma stockpiling drugs to counter Brexit disruption

What measures is pharma using to protect drug supply from no-deal Brexit   Pharma giants Sanofi and Novartis are stockpiling medicines to...

No-deal Brexit fears prompt government plans to stockpile drugs

What is the government doing to prepare for a no-deal Brexit   Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has told MPs the government has...

MPs urge Brexit negotiators to keep the UK in the EMA

Will Brexit negotiators manage to keep the UK in the EMA   MPs have voted by the slimmest of margins (305 votes to 301) for Brexit...

NHS England approves funding for 14 new treatments

Which new interventions are now available on the NHS   NHS England has approved the funding of 14 interventions, including surgeries to...

Three cancer drugs approved for use in the NHS in Scotland

Is access to new medicines improving in Scotland   The Scottish Medicines Consortium has approved three cancer drugs for routine use in the...

£18m fund announced for brain tumour research

Will the extra funding speed up the availability of new treatments   Research teams can apply for grants of up to £10m over five years to...

NHS funding lags drugs spend

Is NHS funding keeping pace with spending on drugs A think-tank report claims NHS funding levels lag the growth of spending on medicines and are...

Lords raise concerns over life sciences strategy

Will the government heed concerns over life sciences strategy A report by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has found the...

Money saved through using biosimilars

Will more savings continue to be made The NHS saved more than £170m in the first 10 months of this financial year by using cheaper biosimilar...