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Regulator says care for older people needs reform

Will a CQC review of local authorities help improve care for older people   A review by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of health and...

NAO examines obstacles to joined-up care

Is funding the greatest obstacle to health and social care integration   Obstacles preventing health and social care from working together...

NHS Confederation lays out its plans

What should be in the new NHS plan   The NHS's long-term plan should focus on primary care, community services, social care and public...

Scottish health boards forecast funding deficit for current financial year

Will Scottish Government be forced to bail out financially troubled NHS boards   Scottish health boards expect to overspend by £1315m by...

Vanguards have fallen short of expectations, says NAO

How have the new models of care fared National Audit Office (NAO) researchers say the vanguard programme has fallen short of its aims Some 50...

Tory MP slams ‘Brexit dividend’ NHS boost as ‘tosh’

Does a 'Brexit dividend' exist for the NHS Talk of a 'Brexit dividend' contributing to the boost in NHS funding promised by the government has been...

Doctors tell government to ditch competition rules in NHS

Would scrapping competition rules help the NHS   Doctors say the government should scrap the Health and Social Care Act 2012 competition...

Mixed score for NHS on international stage

Does the NHS provide worse care than health systems in comparable countries   Although the NHS saves patients from financial hardship it has...

Number of cancer diagnoses for older people set to rise, says report

Will older people get the cancer help they need   The number of people aged over 75 who will be diagnosed with cancer is set to increase by...

‘Overlooked’ councils threaten to quit ICS

Are local councils being ignored in this leading health economy   Three of the four councils involved in an integrated care system (ICS)...

DHSC calls in consultants for ICS leap

Can outside consultancies speed up move to integrated care   The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has sent in management...

Space age technology coming to NHS

Will technology be helpful for patient outcomes   The UK Space Agency has said it will put up to £4m into finding hi-tech solutions for...

New Health Secretary and ministers for Scotland

Will new ministerial team herald change in Scotland's health service   Scotland's new Health Secretary is Jeane Freeman, who takes over the...

NHS England to get 3.4% funding rise

What difference will the funding make to healthcare   The Government has agreed to increase NHS England's budget by an average of 34% over...