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Cancer drugs given green light for use in the NHS in Scotland

Is access to new medicines improving in Scotland   Six new medicines have been accepted for use in the NHS in Scotland, including treatments...

General Practice in Northern Ireland gets £8.8m funding boost

Will additional resources ease pressure on general practice in Northern Ireland   GPs in Northern Ireland have broadly welcomed an...

PM to give NHS a ‘significant’ cash boost

Will PM Theresa May's funding boost be enough to maintain standards of care   Prime Minister Theresa May is planning a 'significant' cash...

Dillon warns of ‘startling costs’ of medical innovation

Will the costs of medical innovation impact NHS budgets   The boss of the drug watchdog has warned the NHS faces a challenge to fund new...

May’s NHS cash boost will require tax increase

Where will the money come from for the Prime Minister's NHS fund injection   Prime Minister Theresa May will have to break her own budget...

Staffordshire and Shropshire Trusts merge to form NHS’s biggest provider

What does the management at Staffordshire and Shropshire Trusts believe will be the benefits of a merger   A large trust created by a merger...

Innovation centre for respiratory disease planned for Wales

Will centre make a difference to patient outcomes   Welsh Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has announced funding of £25m to create a centre...

Winter A&E demand surge led to doubling of acute provider deficits

Are trusts making plans to meet demand during 2018/19   NHS Improvement figures for 2017/18 showing trusts ran up deficits totalling £960m...

NHS bosses release details of plan to restructure regions

Will restructuring the NHS regions improve health services   NHS leaders have released plans to create seven joint NHS England and NHS...

NHS England announces four new ICSs

When will the financial detail of existing ICSs be finalised   Four areas earmarked as new integrated care systems (ICSs) have been...

NHS Assembly to co-design 10-year plan

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A paper discussed at a joint board...

Carter review spells out ambitions for mental health and community health services

What is Lord Carter looking for in mental health and community health services   A review of mental health and community providers has...

NHS England makes more money available to help retain GPs

Will extra cash improve GP retention   NHS England has announced a £10m fund intended to support GPs and encourage them to stay in the...

NHS England commits to health innovation

Will funding for AHSNs improve conditions in the NHS   NHS England has relicensed academic health science networks (AHSNs) for five years...