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£50m to tackle waiting times in Scotland as NHS fails to meet targets again

Is there enough money in Scotland's health system to meet performance targets   The Scottish Government has announced a £50m investment to...

High Court review told ICOs plan is contrary to the Health and Social Care Act

What is the basis of the latest legal challenge to NHS England's plans for integrated care   A High Court review has been told that NHS...

Cuts have left the NHS too poor to buy equipment

Has the squeezed NHS budget left hospitals with outdated equipment   Hospitals do not have enough money to buy and maintain vital medical...

‘Closer to home’ policies have ‘fallen flat’, says NHS Providers

Can the drive for more and better community care be revived   The drive to treat more patients 'closer to home' as promoted in policy such...

IFS puts case for tax increases to maintain health services

Will government listen to case for tax increases to support NHS   Taxes must rise to pay for the increases in funding needed by the NHS to...

Two Northeast trusts to join together

Will merger of two Northeast trusts bring improvements   The boards of South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust and City Hospitals Sunderland NHS...

Capita’s delivery of primary care support services unacceptable, says NAO

In light of NAO report, how can primary care services return to acceptable level   A National Audit Office (NAO) report says that it is...

Report highlights poor financial management at Scottish health board

Will NHS Tayside financial troubles prompt wholesale reorganisation of Scottish health service   An independent review into the finances of...

Scottish health boards will be forced to have safe staffing levels under proposed new law

Is safe staffing legislation in Scotland a blunt tool   Scottish health boards will be compelled to provide staffing levels that meet legal...

NHS England wins first ACOs legal battle

What will be the outcome of the battle over the legality of ACOs   NHS England has won the first round of its battle against legal...

MPs demand Brexit deal protects pharma

What post-Brexit concerns does influential committee have for pharma   MPs say the government must ensure there is a post-Brexit deal for...

DHSC sets up England-wide system to monitor medicines errors

What can be learned about medicines errors from linking primary care and admissions data   A system designed to monitor medication errors...

Manchester devolution: review for nine specialties

How will acute services review change Greater Manchester healthcare   Plans for the continuing reconfiguration of Greater Manchester's acute...

Petition calls for long-term funding plan

Will the government act on a petition to re-think long-term health and care funding   The NHS Confederation has written a petition asking...