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NHS England to promote fast track trials for better access to new treatments

Could small changes speed up patient access to new treatments   Patients could get quicker access to new treatments as NHS England announces...

Social care reform urgently needed, says report

How can reform be achieved   The Health Foundation and the King's Fund have set out in a report their concerns about lack of progress on...

CQC highlights service variation in Birmingham and Liverpool

What has the quality regulator found wrong with Birmingham and Liverpool's health and social care services   The Care Quality Commission has...

Another Scottish health board warns of further financial problems ahead

Is NHS Scotland facing a financial crisis   A health board that has already received a £23m bail-out from the Scottish Government has...

Health service staffing boosted to aid transformation in Northern Ireland

Will workforce strategy achieve real change in Northern Ireland   Northern Ireland's Health Department has unveiled its health and social...

Secretary of State Hunt reveals priorities for the upcoming 10-year plan

Will funding be available for the Secretary of State's healthcare plans   Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt has revealed his main...

Committee MPs slam Government plans for children’s mental health

What is wrong with the Government's plans for children's mental health   Two Parliamentary committees have issued a report strongly...

Thousands of women not called for breast screening

What steps will be taken to prevent this happening again   Since 2009 about 45,000 women aged between 68 and 71 have not been sent...

Safety in private hospitals cause for concern

Will the sector get its house in order   Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has written to private hospital chief executives accusing them of...

Analysis reveals rapid growth in primary care networks

What is the future for primary care networks   An analysis has identified some 334 organisations in England calling themselves 'primary care...

NHS Improvement issues staff retention toolkit

Will NHS Improvement resources help keep staff working   NHS Improvement has published a toolkit aimed at helping healthcare organisations...

King’s Fund finds UK has fewer healthcare resources than comparable healthcare systems

Could international comparisons force government to increase health spend   International comparisons of the UK's key health resources...

Latest SMC recommendations include four rapid PACE approvals

What do the latest SMC recommendations reveal about market access in Scotland   Five new drugs have been recommended by the Scottish...

Primary care and community services in Northern Ireland to get cash injection

Will money from DUP deal help ease pressures in Northern Ireland   Northern Ireland’s Department of Health (DH) has announced added...