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GIRFT programme urges cardiothoracic surgery changes

Will recommendations on cardiothoracic surgery changes improve services A report from the getting it right first time (GIRFT) programme recommends...

Price match scheme to save millions of pounds

Will the scheme be rolled out elsewhere A pioneering price match scheme in Sheffield led to savings of £2m Staff and patients across seven...

Applications open for innovation and technology payment 2018/19

How will the ITP help deliver on NHS England's commitment to the FYFV NHS England has developed the innovation and technology payment (ITP) 2018/19...

One stop shops to open for cancer diagnosis

Will cancer diagnosis centres improve outcomes for cancer patients NHS England is to open centres in 10 areas of the country which aim to diagnose...

Northern STPs to receive £60m for capital schemes

What do we know about how the new money is to be spent Three northern STPs have been awarded a total of £60m for capital schemes from a fund of...

CCGs rack up £471m overspend to month nine

What will be the CCG financial position by the end of the year Clinical commissioning group overspends to month nine total £471m, according to the...

Paramedic prescribers on the way

Can paramedic prescriptions reduce A&E pressure Advanced paramedics are the latest allied health professionals to receive prescribing...

Summer will not relieve winter pressure, say health leaders

Why are leaders pessimistic about the healthcare crisis Two groups of healthcare leaders have warned that the pressures under which the NHS is...

Experts disagree about privatisation dangers

Why does the King's Fund's Professor Chris Ham argue privatisation is not an issue for integrated care The arguments that accountable care or...

MPs tell Brexit negotiators to prioritise patient safety

What will be the priorities for the next round of Brexit talks MPs are urging UK and EU Brexit negotiators to put patient safety at the top of their...

DHSC publishes mandate for 2018/19

What does the mandate for 2018/19 say The government has published the NHS mandate for 2018/19, detailing the latest finances for NHS England The...

Money saved through using biosimilars

Will more savings continue to be made The NHS saved more than £170m in the first 10 months of this financial year by using cheaper biosimilar...

Pharmacists to cut over medication in care homes

Will the bid to cut over medication increase efficiency NHS England has announced plans to recruit hundreds of pharmacists to cut over medication...

Chancellor hints at more money for health service

Will the Chancellor follow through on his hint of financial boost for NHS Chancellor Philip Hammond has offered conditional promise of more money...