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Parliament explores Brexit impact on medtech and pharma

What will be Brexit's impact on medicines and devices UK Parliament's Health Select Committee has called for submissions on how to guarantee supply...

Regulator to look again at rejected Southwest merger

Will trust merger get a better reception this time around A merger turned down in 2013 is going back to the regulator, according to NHS Dorset...

Clinical commissioning has place in future healthcare strategy, say sector leaders

Do clinical commissioning groups have a role in future strategic commissioning NHS Clinical Commissioners (NHSCC), the membership organisation for...

Health professionals lack awareness of innovation campaigns

How much do healthcare professionals know about drives to take up innovative technologies Most healthcare professionals are ignorant of major...

Three Northern STPS in merger talks

Which three STPs are thinking of merging Health leaders are reported to have opened discussions leading to a merger of three northern sustainability...

Government promises a safe Brexit for medtech

Is medtech getting enough support in Brexit negotiations The government has moved to reassure the medtech sector that its interests will be...

More prevention for type 2 diabetes needed, says NICE

Will lifestyle courses reach enough people to reduce numbers of diabetes patients The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has...

CCGs pressed to implement peer review of referrals

Why is NHS England incentivising CCGs to implement clinical peer review of referrals NHS England officials have asked clinical commissioning groups...

First steps towards new NHS procurement and logistics models get underway

Will new model save the NHS money The Department of Health has put the £730m NHS logistics contract up for tender as part of its future operating...

Providers heading for £523m full-year deficit

How big will the deficit be for the provider sector in 2017/18 NHS providers' performance results for the first quarter suggest an aggregate...

Nuffield Trust suggests NHS budget goals may be impossible to meet

Why do policy analysts believe NHS trusts will fail to deliver sayings demanded by the DH A think-tank analysis of Department of Health accounts...

Government announces plans to make UK world leader in life sciences

Will the strategy make the UK a world centre for medical innovation Business Secretary Greg Clark has announced a £146m investment in...

More people waiting over a year for surgery in Wales

How can hospital beds for planned surgery be better protected Figures published by the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) show a 400% rise over the...

Competition authority clears Birmingham mega merger

Will the merger of two foundation trusts in Birmingham improve patient services The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has cleared the proposed...