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How can pharma support NHS service change?

Steve How, Paul Midgley and Oli Hudson, of the Wilmington Healthcare Consulting Team, find some answers in NHS England guidance for...

Campaigners argue ICOs not permitted by Health and Social Care Act

What is the ICO campaigners' legal argument Campaigners have told a High Court judicial review that the NHS would be exceeding its legal powers if...

NHS funding lags drugs spend

Is NHS funding keeping pace with spending on drugs A think-tank report claims NHS funding levels lag the growth of spending on medicines and are...

LGA launches commissioning framework

How will an LGA and NHS Commissioners commissioning framework affect your customers The Local Government Association has launched the integrated...

CCGs rack up £471m overspend to month nine

What will be the CCG financial position by the end of the year Clinical commissioning group overspends to month nine total £471m, according to the...

Experts disagree about privatisation dangers

Why does the King's Fund's Professor Chris Ham argue privatisation is not an issue for integrated care The arguments that accountable care or...

Thanet CCG drops out of Kent-wide single strategic commissioner plan

Why has one CCG pulled out of plans to establish a single commissioner One clinical commissioning group (CCG) has pulled out of the Kent and Medway...

Measuring the burden of hospitalisation in multiple sclerosis


Developing a regional intelligence report to inform neurology services design


Using NHS data to optimise patient pathways


Nene CCG to pursue responsibility for primary care budgets despite GP vote

Why did NENE CCG GPs vote down primary care commissioning Nene Clinical Commissioning Group is to continue to pursue its aim of taking...

Headache and migraine disease insight report


Kent and Medway CCGs in joint leadership and possible merger talks

How is the leadership of CCGs in Kent and Medway set to change Eight clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in the Kent and Medway area are...

CCGs get £400m to tackle deficits in 2018/19

Will £400m be enough to combat budget deficit CCGs NHS England has announced a £400m commissioner sustainability fund (CSF) to support...