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Spotlight on innovation at life sciences forum

‘The HSJ Life Sciences Forum: Innovating to deliver improved patient services and outcomes’, will bring the NHS and industry together in London...

DHSC wants no-deal Brexit supply chain assessment

How will a no-deal Brexit hit the supply chain   The government will tell trusts to examine the potential effects of a no-deal Brexit on the...

Health Secretary announces expansion of genomics programme

Where will the funding for the genome project expansion come from   In a speech to the Conservative party conference in Birmingham, Health...

MP quizzes DHSC on mental health staffing

Is the NHS heading for a mental health staffing crisis   Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) Ministers have revealed NHS mental...

DHSC and DExEU publish plans for no-deal Brexit

Will government plans ensure supplies continue to reach UK patients Government officials have revealed their plans for ensuring supplies of...

DHSC plans big hike in statutory scheme medicines clawback

Will the DHSC really increase the statutory scheme clawback from 78% to 217%   A Department of Health and Social Care consultation has...

Dalton says control totals will be gone by April

Is the DHSC going to write off trust debts   Control totals will be gone at the end of the 2018/19 financial year and the Department for...

MPs to ask drug companies to stockpile medication

But will government help cover the costs   Drug companies are due to be asked to stockpile up to six weeks of medications as part of a plan...

NHS planning for ‘no deal’ Brexit

What is the NHS doing to prepare for a no deal Brexit   NHS England boss Simon Stevens told BBC One's Andrew Marr Show on Sunday that there...

DHSC quizzed on generics cost hike

Will new calculation end generics overspending   Generic medicine costs shot up during 2017/18, due partly to inflated concessionary prices,...

Review to reduce the 38 innovation funding pots

Can AHSNs push to improve innovation uptake   An innovation review could see changes to the responsibilities of academic health science...

NHS Assembly to co-design 10-year plan

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A paper discussed at a joint board...

Analysis reveals rapid growth in primary care networks

What is the future for primary care networks   An analysis has identified some 334 organisations in England calling themselves 'primary care...

Procurement savings made ahead of schedule

Will procurement bodies meet long-term savings targets   NHS Business Services Authority and NHS Supply Chain have reported meeting a £300m...