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Petition calls for long-term funding plan

Will the government act on a petition to re-think long-term health and care funding   The NHS Confederation has written a petition asking...

Social care reform urgently needed, says report

How can reform be achieved   The Health Foundation and the King's Fund have set out in a report their concerns about lack of progress on...

Another Scottish health board warns of further financial problems ahead

Is NHS Scotland facing a financial crisis   A health board that has already received a £23m bail-out from the Scottish Government has...

Health service staffing boosted to aid transformation in Northern Ireland

Will workforce strategy achieve real change in Northern Ireland   Northern Ireland's Health Department has unveiled its health and social...

Committee MPs slam Government plans for children’s mental health

What is wrong with the Government's plans for children's mental health   Two Parliamentary committees have issued a report strongly...

King’s Fund finds UK has fewer healthcare resources than comparable healthcare systems

Could international comparisons force government to increase health spend   International comparisons of the UK's key health resources...

Primary care and community services in Northern Ireland to get cash injection

Will money from DUP deal help ease pressures in Northern Ireland   Northern Ireland’s Department of Health (DH) has announced added...

Wales invests in joined-up care

Will a £50m fund help services to work together   The Welsh Government is to put £50m a year into joining up healthcare, social care,...

NHS finances in Scotland to come under additional scrutiny

Is the NHS in Scotland financially sustainable   Opposition politicians have called for more transparency about NHS finances in Scotland...

NHS funding lags drugs spend

Is NHS funding keeping pace with spending on drugs A think-tank report claims NHS funding levels lag the growth of spending on medicines and are...

STP delays scheduled ICS status

Why might flagship STP delay ICS status A high-flying sustainability and transformation partnership (STP) has delayed plans to become a pioneer...

Darzi says health and care needs extra £60bn by 2030

How much more money will the NHS need over the next decade Lord Ara Darzi estimates the health and care system will need up to an additional £60bn...

NHS Improvement chief warns some trust plans ‘not sufficiently robust’

What does NHS Improvement want to see in trust plans for 2018/19 NHS Improvement has told providers some draft activity, workforce and financial...

Flagship STPs force rethink of ICS combined control totals

Why have top STPs rejected plans for combined control totals across ICSs Leaders of some of NHS England's flagship health economies are reported to...