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London-wide healthcare and social care devolution to boost services

What is London's services devolution designed to achieve Government ministries, top-level NHS organisations, local authorities and clinical...

2017: A year of Transition and Transformation for the NHS

Paul Midgley and Steve How, of Wilmington Healthcare, look back at some of the key developments in the NHS in the past year To plug an anticipated...

East London CCGs to share a single accountable officer

Who will be the accountable officer for the seven east London CCGs Seven clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in the north-east and east of London...

Scottish Government urged to reform health and care targets

Will Scottish ministers dare to ditch waiting times targets A report into the use of targets and indicators in Scotland’s health and care services...

GPs resist pressures to limit prescribing

Should there be restrictions on the prescribing of certain medicines GPs have called on the Department of Health to review prescribing regulations...

Children have poor experience of mental health care

How can the system be improved Care Quality Commission researchers have found children and young people's mental health services to be complex and...

Statins may increase risk of type 2 diabetes, says study

Would healthy lifestyles lower the risks for people who take statins Research published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care showed people who...

Cancer services improving, says report

Will all patients get the full benefit of improvements Cancer survival rates are the highest ever and patients are reporting that care is good, said...

Health and Social Care Board supports trusts in controversial cost-cutting measures in Northern Ireland

Will cost-cutting on prescribing harm patients in Northern Ireland The Health and Social Care Board has backed controversial proposals to help meet...

Chancellor must fund NHS staff pay rises, NHS England and NHS Improvement bosses tell MPs

Why must Exchequer pay for NHS staff pay rises NHS England and NHS Improvement heads Simon Stevens and Jim Mackey have told MPs that increases in...

Provider sector urges longer government commitment to STF

Why does NHS Providers want the government to extend its commitment to the sustainability and transformation fund An NHS Providers' report says the...

Delayed discharge linked to mortality rise

Are longer hospital stays to blame for the biggest death rate increase in 50 years A study of death counts suggests that an increase in the number...

Brexit could be a problem for NHS, says report

Will Brexit have adverse affect on people's health Whatever type of Brexit deal the government finally negotiates there will be major risks to...

Scottish Government announces funding boost to meet NHS winter pressures

Will extra cash be enough to stave off a winter crisis in the NHS in Scotland Scottish Health Secretary Shona Robison has announced an additional...