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[Download] NHS Regional Review: Wales

Download our first in a series of deep-dive reviews into the NHS regions & devolved nations We explore the NHS in Wales, looking at the market...

[Download] Mid-year review of the NHS 2019

Wilmington Healthcare’s Mid-year review of the NHS 2019 explains the past 6 months of healthcare developments and examines the impact these are...

NHS England opens consultation to finalise integrated care provider contract

How can we find out about the ICP contract   NHS England officials have opened a 12-week consultation on the proposed integrated care...

Devon CCGs consider merger as part of integrated care plan

Why are Devon's two struggling CCGs working on a merger   Two financially troubled Devon clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are...

MPs say legislation hinders integration drive

Is the Health and Social Care Act 2012 preventing the NHS integrating services   MPs say integration of health services and the...

NHS bosses release details of plan to restructure regions

Will restructuring the NHS regions improve health services   NHS leaders have released plans to create seven joint NHS England and NHS...

NHS England announces four new ICSs

When will the financial detail of existing ICSs be finalised   Four areas earmarked as new integrated care systems (ICSs) have been...

STP delays scheduled ICS status

Why might flagship STP delay ICS status A high-flying sustainability and transformation partnership (STP) has delayed plans to become a pioneer...

Managing local population needs is key for the NHS

Steve How, Paul Midgley and Sue Thomas, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore population-based planning in the NHS and what this means for...

NHS Maps
