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Teams named to create 10-year plan

Who are in the workstreams proposed by NHS England and NHS Improvement to create 10-year plan   NHS England and NHS Improvement are putting...

NHS England opens consultation to finalise integrated care provider contract

How can we find out about the ICP contract   NHS England officials have opened a 12-week consultation on the proposed integrated care...

10-year plan to progress without NHS Assembly input

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A long-term plan to drive health...

NAO examines obstacles to joined-up care

Is funding the greatest obstacle to health and social care integration   Obstacles preventing health and social care from working together...

New money and legislation to boost NHS England’s health reform plans

How is the Government planning to enable the next round of health reform   NHS England led by chief executive Simon Stevens is to draw up a...

MPs say legislation hinders integration drive

Is the Health and Social Care Act 2012 preventing the NHS integrating services   MPs say integration of health services and the...

Welsh Government wants less reliance on hospitals

How will such change be brought about   In its plan A Healthier Wales, the Welsh Government has called for more joined-up services in the...

Staffordshire and Shropshire Trusts merge to form NHS’s biggest provider

What does the management at Staffordshire and Shropshire Trusts believe will be the benefits of a merger   A large trust created by a merger...

Flagship STPs force rethink of ICS combined control totals

Why have top STPs rejected plans for combined control totals across ICSs Leaders of some of NHS England's flagship health economies are reported to...

Using NHS data to optimise patient pathways


London-wide healthcare and social care devolution to boost services

What is London's services devolution designed to achieve Government ministries, top-level NHS organisations, local authorities and clinical...