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[Download] NHS Regional Review: London

Our second in the series of deep-dive reviews explores the NHS in London The NHS in London is changing In line with the Long-term Plan,...

Health bosses plan to eliminate 2018/19 deficit

Will NHS England and NHS Improvement plans help to eliminate the 2018/19 deficit work   NHS England and NHS Improvement are planning to...

Virgin Care hands commissioning responsibilities back to East Staffordshire CCG

What will be the next step for East Staffordshire CCG commissioners   Virgin Care has terminated the commissioning elements of its £270m...

South West CCG to procure 7- to 10-year community services contract

Can commissioners make this £17bn community services contract work   A clinical commissioning group (CCG) in South West England is to...

Anti-ACO campaigners win permission to appeal

What are NHS campaigners trying to achieve   The Court of Appeal has granted NHS campaigners permission to appeal against a High Court...

NHS England opens consultation to finalise integrated care provider contract

How can we find out about the ICP contract   NHS England officials have opened a 12-week consultation on the proposed integrated care...

North Yorks CCGs and mental health trust form joint board

What is the purpose of North Yorkshire's new joint board for mental health care   Three north Yorkshire clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)...

NHS England approves funding for 14 new treatments

Which new interventions are now available on the NHS   NHS England has approved the funding of 14 interventions, including surgeries to...

Essex shake-up gets go-ahead

How will reconfiguration affect service provision in Essex   A major shake-up of acute hospital services has been approved by commissioners...

Evidence-based interventions programme consults on tight new guidance for 17 treatments

What treatments are likely to be next for EBIP scrutiny   NHS England officials have presented board members with proposals to strictly...

DHSC calls in consultants for ICS leap

Can outside consultancies speed up move to integrated care   The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has sent in management...