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Scottish boys to get HPV vaccine

Will England follow Scotland with HPV vaccine for boys   Adolescent boys in Scotland are to be offered vaccination against HPV (human...

May’s funding boost not enough to counter austerity years

Is the Prime Minister's financial settlement for the NHS enough to rectify a decade of austerity   NHS Providers has warned that the extra...

10-year plan to progress without NHS Assembly input

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A long-term plan to drive health...

Draft NICE guidelines would restrict antibiotics in COPD

Why is NICE proposing to restrict the use of antibiotics in COPD patients   Draft National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)...

Some pharma companies need to step up preparation for Brexit, EMA claims

Are pharma companies preparing for Brexit day   A survey has revealed about 58% of centrally authorised marketing authorisation (MA) holders...

NHS England approves funding for 14 new treatments

Which new interventions are now available on the NHS   NHS England has approved the funding of 14 interventions, including surgeries to...

Essex shake-up gets go-ahead

How will reconfiguration affect service provision in Essex   A major shake-up of acute hospital services has been approved by commissioners...

DHSC provides extra cash for NHS research and development

What difference will R&D cash make to health outcomes   The Department of Health and Social Care is to give £215m towards helping...

Matt Hancock takes over as new Health and Social Care Secretary

Who is the new Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock   Matt Hancock, aged 39, read politics, philosophy and economics (PPE) at...

Three cancer drugs approved for use in the NHS in Scotland

Is access to new medicines improving in Scotland   The Scottish Medicines Consortium has approved three cancer drugs for routine use in the...

NHS England proposes QOF and GP contract changes

What will be the outcome of the review into QOF   NHS England is asking for views on possible reforms to the GP contract and on a review of...

Funds in place for transformation, promises NHS England chief

What is the outlook for November's long-term plan   Part of the NHS's £205bn settlement will be ring-fenced for transformation, promises...

Evidence-based interventions programme consults on tight new guidance for 17 treatments

What treatments are likely to be next for EBIP scrutiny   NHS England officials have presented board members with proposals to strictly...

NHS planning for ‘no deal’ Brexit

What is the NHS doing to prepare for a no deal Brexit   NHS England boss Simon Stevens told BBC One's Andrew Marr Show on Sunday that there...