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DH GIRFT initiative to focus on trusts with high litigation costs

How much could the NHS save by getting it right first time The Department of Health getting it right first time (GIRFT) programme has announced an...

Regulator to tighten up on use of restraint in mental health

Why is the CQC cracking down on restraint use in mental health care Care Quality Commission regulators have revealed plans to strengthen assessment...

DH aims for smoke-free mental health units

What are the DH's ambitions for reducing smoking among mental health patients A Department of Health tobacco control plan for England aims to make...

ABPI to challenge drug cost rules in court

Why is the ABPI attempting to overturn new rules for medicines A trade association representing pharmaceutical manufacturers is challenging new drug...

NHS bodies establish Brexit lobbying groups

How are national NHS organisations responding to the challenge of Brexit negotiations NHS, medical research, public health and patient organisations...

Government acts to boost health and care data security

What is being done to boost data security in health and social care Department of Health officials have outlined the government response to last...

What does the NHS’s new medicines savings drive mean for pharma?

Steve How and Sue Thomas, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore how pharma should engage with CCGs on prescribing saving targets According to NHS...

Medics say no more STPs

Will this BMA vote take STPs off the menu Members of the British Medical Association have proposed that sustainability and transformation plans...

LAs disengaged from STP process

How do local councillors feel about STP implementation Local councillors claim they have not been involved in 'shaping, commenting on or approving'...

Painful waits as NHS rationing deepens

How much rationing is too much rationing Doctors are increasingly needing to beg for treatments, including hip and knee replacements, cataract...

Scottish Medicines Consortium invites industry engagement

Will engagement event improve understanding between industry and SMC on access to medicines in Scotland The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) is...

NHS Improvement acts on staff retention

What can NHS organisations do to improve staff retention NHS Improvement has announced a major programme aimed at improving NHS staff retention in...

Political choices caused shortages, says BMA chief

Is healthcare workers' disillusionment damaging healthcare British Medical Association chair Dr Mark Porter has warned members that shortages of...

£300m extra for health services in Northern Ireland

Will the additional money give the health service in NI the boost it needs Health and care services in Northern Ireland are to receive an additional...