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Tory MP slams ‘Brexit dividend’ NHS boost as ‘tosh’

Does a 'Brexit dividend' exist for the NHS Talk of a 'Brexit dividend' contributing to the boost in NHS funding promised by the government has been...

Scottish health boards will be forced to have safe staffing levels under proposed new law

Is safe staffing legislation in Scotland a blunt tool   Scottish health boards will be compelled to provide staffing levels that meet legal...

MPs demand Brexit deal protects pharma

What post-Brexit concerns does influential committee have for pharma   MPs say the government must ensure there is a post-Brexit deal for...

Post-Brexit UK to align with EU rules for clinical trials

Will the UK Government's decision to align with EU rules on clinical trials improve patient outcomes The government has said the UK will align as...

Prime Minister wants UK to remain in EMA

If UK remains in EMA would supply of medicines be uninterrupted Prime Minister Theresa May said the government wants the country to remain in the...

Alliance calls for ‘new partnership’ post-Brexit

What measures should pharma and medtech take to thrive in the post-Brexit world A medical, industry and research group has called for a new...

Pharma wants medicines ‘front and centre’ in phase two Brexit talks

Will medicines supply be priority in next round of Brexit negotiations Pharma leaders have warned of possible medicines shortages and public health...

Medicines regulation and public health should be Brexit priority, warns Wellcome Trust director

Why should international collaboration on public health and medicines regulation be the next item for the Brexit negotiations It is vital that we...

Chancellor must fund NHS staff pay rises, NHS England and NHS Improvement bosses tell MPs

Why must Exchequer pay for NHS staff pay rises NHS England and NHS Improvement heads Simon Stevens and Jim Mackey have told MPs that increases in...

Brexit could be a problem for NHS, says report

Will Brexit have adverse affect on people's health Whatever type of Brexit deal the government finally negotiates there will be major risks to...

Parliament explores Brexit impact on medtech and pharma

What will be Brexit's impact on medicines and devices UK Parliament's Health Select Committee has called for submissions on how to guarantee supply...

Government promises a safe Brexit for medtech

Is medtech getting enough support in Brexit negotiations The government has moved to reassure the medtech sector that its interests will be...

NHS bodies establish Brexit lobbying groups

How are national NHS organisations responding to the challenge of Brexit negotiations NHS, medical research, public health and patient organisations...

General election delivers hung parliament

Will a hung parliament impact Tory manifesto pledges for the health service Friday morning the UK awoke to the news of a hung parliament in the...