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Join the conversation: Respiratory care in the Long-term Plan

Respiratory care hasn’t had a lot of focus for some time now and was largely absent in the Five Year Forward View So its place in the Long-term...

King’s Fund calls for action on mental health staffing problems

What are the prospects for effective action on mental health workforce problems   The mental healthcare workforce must be a priority in...

2017: A year of Transition and Transformation for the NHS

Paul Midgley and Steve How, of Wilmington Healthcare, look back at some of the key developments in the NHS in the past year To plug an anticipated...

What can pharma glean from the first round of Transformation Funding for STPs?

Paul Midgley and Steve How, of Wilmington Healthcare, explain how the NHS is rewarding its most promising STPs and what they need from...

Your business and the NHS going forward – what does the future hold?

"A very worthwhile event Good structure Well chaired Particular praise for Denis Gizzi, a superb speaker" Brought to you by Wilmington Healthcare...

How will the NHS’s Capped Expenditure Process (CEP) affect pharma?

Paul Midgley, Director of NHS Insight at Wilmington Healthcare, explains how pharma should tailor its approach Trusts and Clinical Commissioning...

NHS England describes contracting for accountable care models

How does NHS England describe the process of contracting for accountable care models NHS England has published a report on contracting for...

Medics say no more STPs

Will this BMA vote take STPs off the menu Members of the British Medical Association have proposed that sustainability and transformation plans...

How can pharma engage with Accountable Care Systems?

Sue Thomas and Paul Midgley, of Wilmington Healthcare, explain how pharma can add value across care pathways The ‘Next Steps on the Five Year...