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Primary Care Networks


GP practices serving 2.5m may close in five years, warns GP royal college

Are hundreds of GP practices about to close   Family practices serving 25m patients in the UK may close in the next five years as GPs leave...

Think-tank urges NHS to educate patients to reduce A&E pressure

Can teaching patients to manage their symptoms reduce emergency admissions   The NHS could reduce pressure on services by training patients...

Primary care transformation takes step forward in Northern Ireland

Will team-based primary care ease pressure across the health and care system in Northern Ireland   Two areas of Northern Ireland have been...

GP leaders call for extra £2.5bn a year to bolster primary care

Does general practice need extra funds to strengthen primary care service   General practice needs a cash injection of £25bn a year by...

Super-partnership Modality expands to cover 380,000 patients

Where are the Midlands practices scheduled to join Modality   GP super-partnership Modality is about to achieve a coverage of 380,000...

Royal Wolverhampton Trust plans further expansion of GP practice chain

Is there any evidence that vertical integration can bring benefits   The Royal Wolverhampton Trust is planning to take over eight more GP...

MPs blast NHS England for contract ‘shambles’ with Capita

How is NHS performing when outsourcing services   MPs have described NHS England's outsourcing of primary care support services to Capita as...

NHS England proposes QOF and GP contract changes

What will be the outcome of the review into QOF   NHS England is asking for views on possible reforms to the GP contract and on a review of...

Doctors tell government to ditch competition rules in NHS

Would scrapping competition rules help the NHS   Doctors say the government should scrap the Health and Social Care Act 2012 competition...

NHS England makes more money available to help retain GPs

Will extra cash improve GP retention   NHS England has announced a £10m fund intended to support GPs and encourage them to stay in the...

250 GP practices closed or merge in a single year

What will be the impact of GP practice closures   Some 254 GP practices listed on 1 April 2017 were no longer listed on the 1 April 2018, an...

How can pharma engage with key decision-makers in new, collaborative NHS care models?

Paul Midgley, Sue Thomas, Steve How and Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore how pharma should adapt its approach Since the publication of...

Public worry grows over state of the NHS

What does the public think about the state of the NHS Think-tank researchers say a drop in public satisfaction over health services is down to...