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Integrated Care Systems


Covid-19: how is it impacting on the NHS Long-term Plan?

Oli Hudson and Paul Midgley, of Wilmington Healthcare, explain how coronavirus has expedited some parts of the plan but put others in...

The NHS in the time of covid: what happens next

What will the next six months bring for the NHS HSJ has spoken to the service’s most senior figures and makes the following...

Covid-19: what could it mean for the diabetic population?

Steve How and Oli Hudson, of Wilmington Healthcare, assess the scale of the diabetes crisis and how coronavirus might impact on it On March 28,...

[Download] Coronavirus and cancer services: Exploring the impact of covid-19

What impact will covid-19 have on the delivery of cancer services Prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the Long-term Plan set out...

[Animation] Impact of diagnostic staging in cancer

The Long-term Plan has set ambitious targets to improve earlier stage diagnosis in cancer The NHS has identified a group of clinical priorities,...

What next for biosimilars?

James Roach, Director at West Essex ICP, looks at the future for biosimilar medicines, surveys a future landscape where medicines management will be...

Join the conversation: Population-based healthcare

An integral part of the NHS Long-term plan, there has been a gradual shift to organising healthcare around a place or geographically defined...

The changing landscape in cancer care


[Download] NHS Regional Review: London

Our second in the series of deep-dive reviews explores the NHS in London The NHS in London is changing In line with the Long-term Plan,...

[On-demand Webinar] How does the CVD prevention agenda sit within the NHS Long-term plan? Part 2

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the cause of a quarter of all UK deaths and largest cause of premature...

What is changing in cardiovascular disease care?

Paul Midgley explores the NHS Long-term Plan’s strategy for tackling cardiovascular disease and what it means for pharma Cardiovascular disease...

[Download] NHS Regional Review: Wales

Download our first in a series of deep-dive reviews into the NHS regions & devolved nations We explore the NHS in Wales, looking at the market...

Anaemia: Opportunities in surgical care – disease insight report
