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Integrated Care Systems


[Video] Primary Care Networks at a glance

Watch our short video which explains the formation and role of PCNs within integrated care Looking to engage with these new NHS...

Primary Care Networks


GP practices serving 2.5m may close in five years, warns GP royal college

Are hundreds of GP practices about to close   Family practices serving 25m patients in the UK may close in the next five years as GPs leave...

Primary care transformation takes step forward in Northern Ireland

Will team-based primary care ease pressure across the health and care system in Northern Ireland   Two areas of Northern Ireland have been...

Teams named to create 10-year plan

Who are in the workstreams proposed by NHS England and NHS Improvement to create 10-year plan   NHS England and NHS Improvement are putting...

MPs blast NHS England for contract ‘shambles’ with Capita

How is NHS performing when outsourcing services   MPs have described NHS England's outsourcing of primary care support services to Capita as...

NHS England proposes QOF and GP contract changes

What will be the outcome of the review into QOF   NHS England is asking for views on possible reforms to the GP contract and on a review of...

DHSC sets up England-wide system to monitor medicines errors

What can be learned about medicines errors from linking primary care and admissions data   A system designed to monitor medication errors...

Analysis reveals rapid growth in primary care networks

What is the future for primary care networks   An analysis has identified some 334 organisations in England calling themselves 'primary care...

Primary care and community services in Northern Ireland to get cash injection

Will money from DUP deal help ease pressures in Northern Ireland   Northern Ireland’s Department of Health (DH) has announced added...

250 GP practices closed or merge in a single year

What will be the impact of GP practice closures   Some 254 GP practices listed on 1 April 2017 were no longer listed on the 1 April 2018, an...

NHS funding lags drugs spend

Is NHS funding keeping pace with spending on drugs A think-tank report claims NHS funding levels lag the growth of spending on medicines and are...

Health Secretary responds to evaluation showing huge impact of medicines errors

How is Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt planning to tackle medicines errors Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has responded to an analysis showing GPs,...