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Integrated Care Systems


On-demand webinar: Activity, Uptake, Variation: The customer landscape in the covid-19 recovery period

On-demand webinar: Activity, Uptake, Variation: The customer landscape in the covid-19 recovery period Aired on 21 July 2020 below The NHS...

The New NHS Stakeholder Map: Who are the customers now?

On-demand webinar: The New NHS Stakeholder Map: Who are the customers now Aired 7 July 2020 This Wilmington Healthcare webinar examines how, as...

The NHS in the time of covid: what happens next

What will the next six months bring for the NHS HSJ has spoken to the service’s most senior figures and makes the following...

What next for biosimilars?

James Roach, Director at West Essex ICP, looks at the future for biosimilar medicines, surveys a future landscape where medicines management will be...

The changing landscape in cancer care


[Download] NHS Regional Review: London

Our second in the series of deep-dive reviews explores the NHS in London The NHS in London is changing In line with the Long-term Plan,...

Early diagnosis underpins NHS cancer strategy

Faster cancer diagnosis is a key ambition of the NHS Long-term Plan, which says that the proportion of cancers diagnosed at stages one and two should...

[On-demand Webinar] How does the CVD prevention agenda sit within the NHS Long-term plan? Part 2

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the cause of a quarter of all UK deaths and largest cause of premature...

What is changing in cardiovascular disease care?

Paul Midgley explores the NHS Long-term Plan’s strategy for tackling cardiovascular disease and what it means for pharma Cardiovascular disease...

[Video] Primary Care Networks at a glance

Watch our short video which explains the formation and role of PCNs within integrated care Looking to engage with these new NHS...

Primary Care Networks


What is changing in mental health and dementia care?

Paul Midgley, of Wilmington Healthcare, takes a look at the NHS Long-term Plan’s bid to transform mental health and dementia services Although...

[Webinar] How does the CVD prevention agenda sit within the NHS Long-term plan?

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the cause of a quarter of all UK deaths and largest cause of premature...