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Scottish Government moves to place more pharmacy teams in GP practices

Will pharmacy strategy enhance role of pharmacists in medicines management Leading pharmacists in Scotland have welcomed a new strategy that will...

Children’s obesity still a big problem, say doctors and charities

Would restrictions on advertising cut childhood obesity Public Health England (PHE) has said it will investigate why children are eating too many...

DH proposes big changes to statutory scheme for branded medicines

What is the DH trying to achieve with its statutory scheme proposals Department of Health officials have launched a consultation aimed at revamping...

DH reveals plans for tough new NHS supply information requirements

What's in the DH's proposed NHS product information regulations The DH has revealed that suppliers could be required to comply with demanding new...

MMIP urges government investment in medicines manufacturing sites

Will the government invest in medicines manufacturing centres of excellence A pharma group is pressing the government for help to build four...

NHS England describes contracting for accountable care models

How does NHS England describe the process of contracting for accountable care models NHS England has published a report on contracting for...

NHS trials PrEP for HIV

Could trial pave the way for large-scale HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis scheme A three-year trial will see 10,000 people at high risk of HIV infection...

NHS could save millions of pounds if general surgery procedures were improved, says report

Would implementing the recommended changes save money and improve patient outcomes The Getting It Right First Time programme (GIRFT) has said the...

NHS saves millions of pounds through NMS

Will extension of new medicine service create greater savings in the long term The new medicine service could lead to more than half a billion...

Audit shows mortality rate drop for heart failure patents

What is the improvement in the mortality rate for heart failure patients admitted to hospital The national heart failure audit says the mortality...

More people going to hospital in Northern Ireland as bed numbers decrease

Is health service in Northern Ireland at breaking point Numbers of people admitted to hospital in Northern Ireland are increasing as bed numbers...

NHS chiefs accused of secretiveness over planned £500m CEP cuts

BMA officials have accused senior health service managers in England of refusing to release details of large cuts under the capped expenditure...

Millions of people could be on statins if NICE guidelines followed, says research

Do NICE guidelines make appropriate recommendations for prescribing statins A study by a Harvard University researcher has found that almost all men...

£1.3bn investment plan to boost mental healthcare

Can trusts fill 21,000 new mental health posts A new mental health plan promises to treat an extra 1m patients by 2020/21 and comes with £13bn...