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2017: A year of Transition and Transformation for the NHS

Paul Midgley and Steve How, of Wilmington Healthcare, look back at some of the key developments in the NHS in the past year To plug an anticipated...

GPs resist pressures to limit prescribing

Should there be restrictions on the prescribing of certain medicines GPs have called on the Department of Health to review prescribing regulations...

Statins may increase risk of type 2 diabetes, says study

Would healthy lifestyles lower the risks for people who take statins Research published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care showed people who...

Medicines regulation and public health should be Brexit priority, warns Wellcome Trust director

Why should international collaboration on public health and medicines regulation be the next item for the Brexit negotiations It is vital that we...

Yorkshire and North Lincs trusts to centralise stores and purchasing functions

What's the next phase of the Yorks and North Lincs trusts' collaboration on pharmaceutical products A new phase of the medicines collaboration by...

Health professionals lack awareness of innovation campaigns

How much do healthcare professionals know about drives to take up innovative technologies Most healthcare professionals are ignorant of major...

Scottish Government moves to place more pharmacy teams in GP practices

Will pharmacy strategy enhance role of pharmacists in medicines management Leading pharmacists in Scotland have welcomed a new strategy that will...

DH reveals plans for tough new NHS supply information requirements

What's in the DH's proposed NHS product information regulations The DH has revealed that suppliers could be required to comply with demanding new...

ABPI to challenge drug cost rules in court

Why is the ABPI attempting to overturn new rules for medicines A trade association representing pharmaceutical manufacturers is challenging new drug...

Law to cut the cost of generic drugs

Can legislation to close a purchasing loophole reduce the NHS medicines bill A law that gives the government better control over the cost of drugs...

Medicines management is changing: are you up to speed?

Who are the new decision makers in medicines management What’s the impact on your products and what new funding mechanisms are in place to support...

Medicines and money in the new model NHS

Don't miss your chance to quiz a medicines optimisation lead on the most important issues facing medicines in the NHS today     ...



Healthcare insight

Our tools and analysis provide you with market leading insight across the full spectrum of health and social care at a national, regional or local...