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Licensed data from NHS Digital

Wilmington Healthcare processes record level, pseudonymised, non-sensitive, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Diagnostic Imaging Dataset (DIDs) and...

Using a fully managed email service to increase delegate sales


Delayed discharge linked to mortality rise

Are longer hospital stays to blame for the biggest death rate increase in 50 years A study of death counts suggests that an increase in the number...

Parkinson’s disease insight report

If we could put of the 108,000 people living with Parkinson’s in England data taken from Hospital Episode Statistics has shown that in 2016 there...

More prevention for type 2 diabetes needed, says NICE

Will lifestyle courses reach enough people to reduce numbers of diabetes patients The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has...

DH reveals plans for tough new NHS supply information requirements

What's in the DH's proposed NHS product information regulations The DH has revealed that suppliers could be required to comply with demanding new...

Audit shows mortality rate drop for heart failure patents

What is the improvement in the mortality rate for heart failure patients admitted to hospital The national heart failure audit says the mortality...

Government acts to boost health and care data security

What is being done to boost data security in health and social care Department of Health officials have outlined the government response to last...

Market segmentation: local health economies


New report shows Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major threat to older people

Our latest report, published in collaboration with the charity, United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum (UKABIF), shows that many hospital...

Using campaign packages to increase conversion


How can pharma help the NHS achieve ‘parity of esteem’ in mental health?

by Laurence Mascarenhas, Associate Director, Mental Health Services, NHiS Commissioning Excellence Mental illnesses are very common: For example,...

Disease insight reports


