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Britons want to pay more for NHS

Can a tax hike save the NHS A social research agency says that its recent social attitudes survey indicates that the British public is more open to...

Welsh Government funds vascular surgery site

Will Welsh vascular surgery site improve services The Welsh Government has announced £23m funding for a hybrid theatre for vascular surgery at Glan...

CCGs rack up £471m overspend to month nine

What will be the CCG financial position by the end of the year Clinical commissioning group overspends to month nine total £471m, according to the...

Summer will not relieve winter pressure, say health leaders

Why are leaders pessimistic about the healthcare crisis Two groups of healthcare leaders have warned that the pressures under which the NHS is...

DHSC publishes mandate for 2018/19

What does the mandate for 2018/19 say The government has published the NHS mandate for 2018/19, detailing the latest finances for NHS England The...

Money saved through using biosimilars

Will more savings continue to be made The NHS saved more than £170m in the first 10 months of this financial year by using cheaper biosimilar...

Chancellor hints at more money for health service

Will the Chancellor follow through on his hint of financial boost for NHS Chancellor Philip Hammond has offered conditional promise of more money...

King’s College Hospital Trust deficit tops £100m

How does King's deficit compare with forecasts London's King's College Hospital Trust is expected to end the 2017/18 financial year with a deficit...

£100m earmarked for health service reform in Northern Ireland

Will cash help to achieve much-needed reform Northern Ireland's health and care service The UK government has announced a budget for Northern...

Vascular surgery reform could save lives and money

How many lives and how much money could vascular surgery reform save 'Fully-fledged' vascular networks across England could save lives, save up to...

Pathology networks: five trust groups miss deadline

How will England's new pathology map look Five trust groups are still deciding whether to take up the regional pathology network plans proposed by...

Trusts warn of possible £1bn deficit by end of 2017/18

How would a £931m deficit for NHS trusts impact the NHS NHS trusts forecast a deficit of £931m by the end of 2017/18, according to figures from...

Funding awarded for innovative technology for general practice

How will technology funding for GPs make life better for patients The Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) has announced the companies that...

West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP starts move to shared control total

How is West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP progressing to a shared control total Leaders of West Yorkshire and Harrogate sustainability and...