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Pharma stockpiling drugs to counter Brexit disruption

What measures is pharma using to protect drug supply from no-deal Brexit   Pharma giants Sanofi and Novartis are stockpiling medicines to...

No-deal Brexit fears prompt government plans to stockpile drugs

What is the government doing to prepare for a no-deal Brexit   Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has told MPs the government has...

NHS planning for ‘no deal’ Brexit

What is the NHS doing to prepare for a no deal Brexit   NHS England boss Simon Stevens told BBC One's Andrew Marr Show on Sunday that there...

Mixed score for NHS on international stage

Does the NHS provide worse care than health systems in comparable countries   Although the NHS saves patients from financial hardship it has...

NHS England commits to health innovation

Will funding for AHSNs improve conditions in the NHS   NHS England has relicensed academic health science networks (AHSNs) for five years...

Cuts have left the NHS too poor to buy equipment

Has the squeezed NHS budget left hospitals with outdated equipment   Hospitals do not have enough money to buy and maintain vital medical...

Post-Brexit UK to align with EU rules for clinical trials

Will the UK Government's decision to align with EU rules on clinical trials improve patient outcomes The government has said the UK will align as...

Alliance calls for ‘new partnership’ post-Brexit

What measures should pharma and medtech take to thrive in the post-Brexit world A medical, industry and research group has called for a new...

Life science sector deal to protect NHS patients’ access to new treatments

What is happening to promote investment in life sciences in the UK A deal to place the UK at the forefront of innovative medical technologies could...

Gadgets and apps aim to save lives and millions

What benefits will innovations bring NHS England's innovation programme has launched 11 new ideas, apps and gadgets it says will improve care, save...

Parliament explores Brexit impact on medtech and pharma

What will be Brexit's impact on medicines and devices UK Parliament's Health Select Committee has called for submissions on how to guarantee supply...

Government promises a safe Brexit for medtech

Is medtech getting enough support in Brexit negotiations The government has moved to reassure the medtech sector that its interests will be...

Government announces medical innovation funding

Will funding improve the speed of access to new medicines and bring more innovation into the NHS The government has announced £86m funding to boost...

Wellards Annual Conference: The NHS – the future now

From theory to hard reality The Five year forward view – NHS England's masterplan – is now in its third year 44 sustainability and...